Falling behind on your mortgage can be a very scary and stressful experience.

Prosperity’s Mortgage Delinquency Intervention Program offers one-on-one counseling services to individuals who are falling behind on their home mortgage payments and face the threat of losing possession of their homes by means of foreclosure. Our advisors can help you discover the best solution to fit your specific situation. Please visit the FAQ.

"URGENT: Timing is essential in Foreclosure Prevention. Steps 1-3 must be completed within 7 calendar days.”

If you are currently behind or fear you may fall behind, please begin the Enrollment Application immediately.

Enrollment Steps: In order to get you “In, Up and Out”, please complete steps 1-3 within 7 calendar days.”
(If you have an upcomming court-scheduled hearing date, please submit your information withing 24 hours. Do not delay.)
  • Step 1: Completing the Enrollment application
  • Step 2: Complete the Authorizations & Disclosures

    These will be sent via SignNow once Prosperity has processed your Application.

  • Step 3: Submit the documents here
  • See Below for Document list and alternative submission methods.

  • Step 4: Obtain Appointment
  • Once requested documents have been processed, Prosperity will reach out to you within 48 hours to schedule a calendar date/time for your virtual Zoom appointment.

  • Step 5: Complete the required FREE Foreclosure Education Online Course as soon as you complete your application.

    This course will help explain more on the foreclosure prevention process.

    Course Access

Required document list:
  • 60 days paystubs (or Social Security Statement and/ or Disability Statement)
  • Most Recent Tax Return and W2 (If Self Employed: Most recent 2 years Tax Returns and Year-to-Date Profit & Loss Statement)
  • Front Color copy of the Driver’s License
  • Most recent 2 months bank statements
Expense and Debt
  • 1 month utilities (phone, water, cable, internet, electric)
  • Recent Mortgage Statement
  • Any Foreclosure Notices from Lender or Lender Attorney (if applicable)
Other Documents
  • Closing Disclosure (Please provide by counseling appointment if not able to upload upon application.)
  • Promissory Note (Please provide by counseling appointment if not able to upload upon application.)

Alternative Submission Methods:
Email: (PDF documents only. Images will not be accepted)
Fax: (704) 938-7431
Mail: P. O. Box 1095; Concord, NC 28026-1095
Hand Delivered: 1660 Garnet St.; Kannapolis, NC 28083